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Find out More 9733 9733 9733 9733 9733 Pink Techno pills will give you speed, stinky aliens will slow you down. Use Arrow Keys to play. Great speed limits maneuverability. There are 3 ships to choose from. Find out More 9733 9733 9733 9733 9733 Protect your planet and destroy all the asteroids. Use mouse to move your spaceship. Find out More 9733 9733 9733 9733 9733 During a history of military aviation there were some interesting events. During WW2, Royal Air Force fighter pilots started a rumor that excessive carrot consumption gave gunners night vision. The point of the rumor was to distract the Germans from RAF8217s new radar technology. Because of this rumor, Germans began eating large quantities of carrots. hellip Find out More 9733 9733 9733 9733 9733 Attack helicopters emerged during the Cold War years when they proved to be the key component to victory in battlefield. 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